Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Love/Hate List

Inspired by my day yesterday, I decided to come up with some things that I really love and really hate. For the sake of inclusion, we will add that my family and friends are all in the love category (most of the time.) Would love to hear comments on which you agree on! To be optimistic, I shall start with the loves:


1. My alone time in the evenings after the children are nestled all snug in their beds (and the husband is safely tucked away in another room).

2. This one is new for me since they used to be on my hate list. Thunderstorms! Especially in the morning while getting ready for work or in the evening during my alone time.

3. Mountain Dew. This might be at #1, but I have decided it would be too difficult to put into actual order.

4. Movies that make me cry. Not necessarily sad ones, but ones that make me think of something or someone.

5. Having healthy kids. If you are a parent, you know there is nothing worse than a sick child. Thankfully, my experiences has been pretty minor compared to many, but I can't imagine the parents who deal with pediatric cancer and other serious illnesses.

6. Not having to cook dinner at night. Knowing all day that it is a frozen pizza night or eat out night makes my day!

7. The questions that kids ask. Randomly. For instance, one night before bed, Ashton asks what is a grave and what is a tomb. He then says that Jesus was in a tomb and came out. I tell him to ask daddy.


1. People who are jerks. Like people who say they need a job, so you help them get one, and then they get mad because they really wanted to just live on disability payments. Don't screw with the system...mmm k?

2. Murderers. Of course I hate all murderers, but the ones that really kill me (no pun intended) are the ones that kill people for $21 and a pack of cigarettes. Really? REALLY?? Is it worth that much to ya?!

3. The questions that kids ask. This is on both lists because sometimes there are WAY TOO MANY QUESTIONS!

4. When you order food from someplace, and there are not supposed to be onions on the particular dish you ordered, but when it comes, you can sniff an onion on it. For instance, you order a pepperoni pizza, and right in the middle is a chunk of onion. What if I were allergic to onions? What if I got violently ill from eating onions? And if it is tuna melt day at the lunch room, wipe off the damn grill before you make my grilled cheese sandwich. It shouldn't taste like TUNA!

5. My house when it is cluttered. I realize that when you have a husband and two kids, the house will looked lived in, no matter how hard you try. But I have this picture in my head of a house that is decorated really chic, doesn't have papers strewn about the kitchen counters, and clothes are not laying around on the floor. Is it too much to ask to just have a neat living space?

This list will probably have amendments to it as time goes by, but these are some things that really stick out to me. Agree?

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