Friday, May 25, 2012

Would you?

For some reason, I feel like I may have been shy when I was younger. I'm also pretty sure that that may or may not elicit some chuckles out of a few people reading this. However, the other day, it occurred to me that there isn't much I would feel dumb doing at this point in my life. So I have compiled the following list of things I may have done. Would you or have you done them yourself?

1. Put money in a soda machine in the cafeteria, have it eat your dollar, notice a table with three nice policemen eating there lunch, and go ask them for 50 cents. This just happened yesterday!

2. Snort grated parmesan cheese. This happened a loooong time ago, think middle or high school. It hurt like firey hell, but according to Clem, I did it twice, so apparently it wasn't THAT bad.

3. Tape a picture of your favorite congressman on top of one of your bosses family photos, covering his sons face? P.S. this person is a pretty big supporter of the opposite political party. Said photo was on my bulletin board the next day with a red push pin through his nose.

4. Repeatedly call your parents for a few hours, not being able to reach them. When they finally pick up, ask them if they were laying dead at the bottom of the stairs due to a tragic accident involving the "Shoes of Death" aka. Crocs.

5. Hang your bra out the window of a car while "cruising Grand." Again, this was high school, though I could probably be persuaded to do this anytime.

6. Take one of your guy friends bra shopping with you at Victoria's Secret. This was also high school, but he who shall not be named was a big hit there with the workers if I remember right. Almost as if he had been there before.

7. Help mop floors and close up shop at a place you don't work at because you have a giant crush on the boy who actually is employed there. I will not say when this was. Could have been 15 years ago, could have been yesterday...

8. Then there was a tampon/ketchup bottle incident at a restaurant that no longer is in existence. I wonder why they went belly up?

So anyway, I am hoping that my own kids one day aren't afraid to do some silly things, that they aren't too shy to speak their minds, and to be themselves. Kudos if you made it to the end of this!!


  1. These are epic!! WHEN you move my way we are going to get in soooo much trouble! Our kids will be embarrassed of us :) Great memories!

  2. Hmm..could the said workplace in #7 be 1 Potato 2??? That actually sounds really good right now...

    1. Dear Mad-Bomber Mama, I cannot confirm or deny that workplace.
